14 February 2021

Plan B... Antiqua Classics 2022

 Many things have happened over the last few weeks that have led us to change our plans.

Notably, it seems highly likely that this years Classics will be at best a much reduced affair.  Also, several people suggested that having stripped the boat, we would be better to fix everything properly once, rather than cobbling it together to get to Antigua and then having to start again back in the UK.  So we have decided to stay in St Lucia for another year, or at least the boats will.

Having made that decision, we opted to strip out the forepeak and the galley.  Just as well because we found more cracked ribs. The next to go is the engine so we can get that sorted and also check out the condition beneath it.

We made real progress last week.  First we finished removing the caulking from all the seams.  Another change is that we had been just going to recaulk below the water line.  Now we will have a clean start, we will know when all the caulking was last done!

Secondly, Zaka positioned the first new rib on Friday.  It still needs to be screwed in place but a huge step forward.

Gill, Dan and Carmen when we first arrived to review the work needed

 Carmen and Ziggi stripping paint 
Carmen getting down and dirty in the bilge

Zaka removing the first rib
Where has the galley gone?
Bending a new rib 

Gill checking out the hull

My favourite tools for stripping seams

My favourite tools for cleaning seams..

Yet another delay

We have decided that we won’t make Antigua Classics this year. The main stumbling block this time is Star Charger, she isn’t ready to make t...