26 December 2022

Where to begin!  A great deal of work has been done since my last post, and plans have changed many times… I think that we have now more or less finished taking the boat apart and are now putting it back together.  
This year we have had a number of friends helping us out. A few giving us a day or two of their holidays, some coming to work.  It makes a massive difference, not just an extra pair of hands but also the boast to our morale.
The roll of honour …
Brian and Pam
Kevin and Sally
Kevin (again)
We have moved back our completion date, again… we will aim for Antigua Classics 2024. But hoping to launch, or at least be ready to launch by the end of the season.  I will keep you posted. 
I have varnished the boom and the blocks the winches sit on, and have started varnishing the spreaders.  Gill has almost completed preparing the hill for paint, an enormous task.  Zaka is getting close to finishing the deck!
Much more work still to do, but we are getting there.
Happy New Year to all
Love Alasdair and Gill

Yet another delay

We have decided that we won’t make Antigua Classics this year. The main stumbling block this time is Star Charger, she isn’t ready to make t...