24 December 2021

Christmas and a years work

 Well, so much for regular posts, sorry!

We are now back in the UK for a couple of weeks, visiting family.  It's cold here..... The lead up to the journey was a little fraught, you have to load about a million apps and complete hundreds of online forms.  Once that is all done, the actual journey was very smooth and stress free.

Life on Guiding Light has improved enormously since we moved into the shed.  It is much cooler, although it is of course winter too.  No real progress has been made.  As I mentioned last time, one spends weeks apparently achieving nothing...then all of a sudden things happen!

Zaka is moving down the boat repairing ribs, and tightening fastenings.  Gill now has help, Shawnel, Zaka's cousin.  The girls are getting on well scraping the paint off the inside of the hull and cabin.  I have finished preparing the mast and have put two thinned coats of varnish on.  Hopefully that will protect the wood until I am ready to finish the mast just before we put it back up.  I have also started looking at the deck....

Happy Christmas, and my New Year resolution is to get better at writing blogs!

Alasdair and Gill

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