03 December 2023

No blog last week as I was racing in the Mango Bowl.

We have been making good progress, helped by having Kevin out helping.  As you can see from the photograph, he has ground back and painted the floors red.  He has also dismantled and sanded the butterfly hatch, ready for repair and varnishing.

At one stage we had seven people working on the boat at the same time!  But we are still very much up against the clock if we are to make Classics next year.

I also completed my little experiment with wood expansion.  A plank, 135mm wide expanded by 3mm when left in the sea for two days.  Leaving it for two weeks showed little more expansion.  Removing the plank from the sea and it returned to 135mm after one week in the sun.  I'm not sure what this means for our plans going forward.  Any thoughts?

My other conundrum is hull paint...

The wood needs to take in water and expand to seal the gaps.

Paint provides a waterproof layer between the sea and the hull

So how does that work?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Alastair and Gill .....
    To answer your questions, use an oil based paint ... single pot like an enamel, on a sigle pack primer like Primercon. It will let enough water through to swell the planks and should stretch enough for the expansion.
    Make sure the putty in the seams is soft and fills the gap between the planks above the caulking as you don't want any paint in the seams. The linseed oil it the putty will protect that.
    You'll need the boat supported while it plims out enough so the leaks are controlled by the pumps. In my experience 3 or 4 days will be good for the initial swelling, hopefully sooner.


Yet another delay

We have decided that we won’t make Antigua Classics this year. The main stumbling block this time is Star Charger, she isn’t ready to make t...